Paradise Gardens

Call +855 90 810 888

Legal Notice

Welcome to Paradise Gardens Kampot Co LTD website.

The website you are now looking at has been designed and technology developed by DONKONG DESIGN.

Respect for your privacy

Paradise Gardens is concerned about the privacy of all those who wish to browse the website

For further information on the protection of personal data, you can get detailed information on:

Personal data are collected by:

Paradise Gardens Kampot Co LTD – National Road 33, Choum Kriel Village, Choum Kriel Commune, Teuk Chhou District, Kampot Province, Cambodia

Content and use of personal information

By accessing the Paradise Gardens website, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in this policy. By providing us with personal information, you authorize us to use it by this policy. If you don’t agree with the principles set out here, you must leave our site. Paradise Gardens does not wish to retain personal data concerning you without your prior consent.

We collect your details such as your name, email address, phone number, home country, and interests if you have provided them to us. We may also collect data via cookies, navigation data, and other technologies when you use our websites, social networks when you reply via email. If you are a professional customer, a supplier, or a company with whom we can establish a collaboration, we collect also your company data such as VAT number or company number, the contact details of the legal entity (name, function, telephone number, etc.) as well as the data of your partners and/or partners of your company. We also collect data on your potential areas of interest that we can address through our services and activities.

We use your data to invite you to events, to inform you about new products or promotions, for marketing, or to create profiles. Creating profiles allows us to provide you with targeted and important information.
Paradise Gardens undertakes never to transmit your e-mail address to third parties in a different context than the online purchase unless you explicitly agree to avoid using it outside your control and the control of Paradise Gardens to send you unsolicited e-mail or spam.

Order Management

Your personal information and data are necessary for the management of your order and our commercial relations. This information and data are also kept for security purposes to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.